
Our new blog is called Poster Romance for a few very specific reasons.

1. We LOVE posters.

2. We are passionate about the artists who created posters and feel fortunate to be able to share our love with our clients and friends.

3. Because romance rarely happens in a vaccum, every month we will look at posters from a different angle: this month it is romance, next it will be Art Deco, every month our posts and blog entries will revolve around the theme we have picked.

4. Every month we will pick someone new – trendsetters, artists, designers – people we love and who’s work we admire. We will subject (I think that’s the right word!) them to our romance questionnaire, and hopefully their answers will both surprise and amuse you – that’s the goal anyway!

Biscuit Lu Vintage Poster - Antique Posters
L'Affichiste Poster Gallery - photo by Christie Vuong

Poster Romance is a love letter about collectable posters written in the form of a blog. It is about falling in love with posters and what happens when you do. It’s also about collectors, artists, trendsetters, design mavens (look it up, it’s where your education begins), and people we think our interesting and worth knowing about. We’ll introduce you to some of our friends and hopefully make new ones along the way!

Original Vintage Posters
A Pile of Vintage Posters! - photo by Christie Vuong

This blog is a work in progress (kind of like me, Karen) and it’s put together with able bodied quick witted help from my wing-women Kristina and Stephanny. We all work together at L’Affichiste, my vintage gallery in Montreal. I’ve been collecting posters for roughly 30 years, and have had a poster gallery for about 5. In that time, I have written about posters, talked about posters, given courses on posters, evaluated posters for private or public collections, and bought and sold posters all over the world. I have said that if you choose to open a poster gallery it is not because you want to make a lot of money, but generally because you love posters and are at least a little bit crazy (or in my case, a whole lotta crazy!).

Vintage Poster Gallery
L'Affichiste Poster Gallery - photo by Christie Vuong


    • Hello Michael,
      Thanks for the comment!
      I agree that your poster was produced in the 60s or possibly 70s, but unfortunately I cannot provide much more information than that.
      Good luck with your search!

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